One-tap to speed up your system, free your storage or delete private traces. Nero TuneItUp is the cleanest cleaning software. Does the job, without the nagging! Clean...
onetap to speed up your system, free your storage or delete private traces. nero tuneitup is the cleanest cleaning software. does the job, without the nagging!
clean and simple user interface to make your phone powerful again. nero tuneitup optimizes your phone`s performance and makes it more responsive by shutting down unnecessary processes. turn off all the troublemakers with onetap, or sort by battery, cpu or ram usage and decide case by case.
running out of storage, again? tap once to remove junk and important data, browse through large files, clean up unnecessary downloads, and unwanted whatsapp photos, videos and music files.
want to keep your call and browsing histories private, as they should be? tap once to delete all traces left behind.
clean and simple interface: 3 jobs, 3 icons, 3 taps. whatsapp housekeeping: easily remove videos, photos and music files finds and disables the apps that secretly eat up your battery onetap to instantly free memory and boost performance safely cleans app storage and junk files. widgets for onetap cleaning and performance boost
web-based cleaner booster