Fritz!Load allows you to download files from more than 50 (oneclick-)hosters (like youtube, rapidshare and many more). It is the perfect platform to download http and...
NeoLoader is a download manager/filesharing client, designed to work across network borders. It can download files from various One Click Hosting sites as well as from BitTorrent and eMule/eDonkey2000.
neoloader is a download manager/filesharing client, designed to work across network borders.it can download files from various one click hosting sites as well as from bittorrent and emule/edonkey2000. in addition to that neo provides an exclusive anonymous filesharing network, based on a torlike packet routing in its own next generation kademlia network.neoloader supports a large amount of hosting sites, see our supported hosters page for a complete list. both its bittorrent as well as its emule support is state of the art. it supports all mainstream protocol extensions. see our full feature list for details.neoloader is available for all major platforms, windows, mac os x as well as various linux operating systems. you can find them at our download page.
Anonymous Secure Filesharing Peer To Peer Distributed
file-sharing Discontinued anonymous-secure-filesharing peer-to-peer distributed download-manager torrent-download bittorrent-client file-hosting-downloader edonkey kad ed2k