Lupas Rename 2000
Lupas Rename is a FREEWARE program developed to rename a big number of files.
NameChanger is designed for the sole purpose of renaming a list of files. Add the files through the GUI or drag and drop files directly onto the App. These original filenames show up in the Original Filename column.
namechanger is designed for the sole purpose of renaming a list of files.
add the files through the gui or drag and drop files directly onto the app. these original filenames show up in the original filename column. grayed out rows indicate files that you do not have permissions to change.
next select how to change the file names:•replace first occurrence•replace last occurrence•replace all occurrences•wildcard•append•prepend•date•sequence•character removal
Productivity Phots and Graphics File Management
batch-file-renamer exif-renaming rename-files exif exif-renamer file-renamer renaming exif-tags