Remember The Task
Remember The Task is a light-weight ToDo application that allows you to maintain a list of tasks to be done. It Syncs with Remember The Milk so you can manage your tasks...
Nach is a supercharged to-do list app for desktop, tablet, and mobile, which helps you achieve your life goals, and become more productive.
Nach is a supercharged todo list app for desktop, tablet, and mobile, which helps you achieve your life goals, and become more productive.
Official Website
Productivity Business and Commerce
task-management todo-manager reminder productivity-tool goal-setting goals
Remember The Task is a light-weight ToDo application that allows you to maintain a list of tasks to be done. It Syncs with Remember The Milk so you can manage your tasks...
Free Mac OS X Windows Linux
Task List Guru is a freeware to-do list manager that stands out from the crowd thanks to two things: 1. Refreshingly rich feature set 2. Super easy to use It is...
Free Windows
An electron wrapper for wunderlist made with love for Linux (specially for elementary OS).
Free Open Source Linux
'Do It Tomorrow' is a Windows desktop application which helps you to track, organize, reuse, export, print, and summarize your tasks.
Freemium Windows Android
ReminderFox displays and manages lists of reminders and ToDo's.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Firefox Thunderbird Waterfox Pale Moon
Timeline is your personal task assistant. Times of simple to-do lists are gone. Instant flow of duties, growing amount of projects and deadlines becomes...
Freemium Android
RightTasks places your Google Tasks in a right sidebar in Gmail, like in Google Calendar. This is especially useful if you keep Gmail open and want to see your tasks...
Free Windows Chrome Firefox Opera
Quitting your habits just got easier with Time Since I, a quick and easy to use habit timer. Time Since I guides you through adding habits and sets you up for success.
e-learning platform designed for wellness and self-improvement experts (bloggers, authors, coaches, etc.) and their followers.
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