a new online audio player powered by soundcloud , playlist creator, search engine and much more. scrobbling to last.fm. no installation required.
a new online audio player powered by soundcloud , playlist creator, search engine and much more. scrobbling to last.fm. no installation required. just bookmark it! search through all the music on soundcloud, create playlists, share your playlists and tracks on facebook and twitter, follow other soundcloud users, comment on their tracks, and much more. using my cloud player is as simple as using a desktop music player.
available also on android and chrome.
features for android app:
search tracks on soundcloud search people on soundcloud play user's tracks and favorites get user's followings and followers play user's playlists and soundcloud sets basic and smart playlist support download option for downloadable tracks to /music/mycloudplayer put tracks in cache (device external storage) cached tracks can be listened offline limit max 20 tracks or 500 mb cache play downloaded tracks play cached tracks share and open tracks and playlists via direct link (action added open with my cloud player) easy access to current playlist
new features (v2.0): login with soundcloud account add/remove track to/from favorites add track to playlist create new playlist follow/unfollow user friend finder repost track store current playlist and track on exit
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Audio and Music
share-on-facebook music-player share-on-twitter create-playlist playlist-generator soundcloud-client last.fm-scrobbler share-music music-search-engine cloud-player