Dinky Social Network
Dinky Social is a worldwide network to meet new people and make new friends. Meet other people from nearby or from other countries Chat, share pictures, videos. ...
A social media for a user friendly communication. You can crate in your profile different topics/terms which your follower can follow. All the posts have a reach of 100%.
musteus the new way to communicate in internet with your follower
• create your profile with topics and terms• your followers can select the topics and terms they want to receive informations about (or follow the whole profile)
musteus saves time: receiving only the posts about informations you want, you save time
musteus is efficient: receiving needless informations, the attention to the recived informations go up and the informations flood down
musteus is smart: activate the notification function to stay uptodate about changes in your newsfeed and chat
musteus is simple: keep all the informations and searches in one place
musteus is available on the web and as app for iphone, ipad and android! find your updates and results anywhere you’ve installed the app and on all your computers.
musteus is free to download and use.
Official Website
Privacy focused Content Filtering Filter interests
privacy-focused social-network content-filtering newsletter social-media social-media-marketing filter-interests