MusicSense is a personalized music streaming app with deep user understanding which brings you the best music from radio stations. It can skip tracks (unlimited), you can listen offline, you can like/dislike tracks/artists.
Musicjehad builds connections for the unconnected musicians by providing a social networking platform that provides the tools to connect with music professionals, help...
musicjehad builds connections for the unconnected musicians by providing a social networking platform that provides the tools to connect with music professionals, help build a fan base and take their music to the next level.
musicjehad priority is to deliver everything musical within music pop culture. we allow or members to share live event music coverage around major music events, music premieres, and music award shows from all global musical entertaining events.
musicjehad strives to be the forefront music media outlet of all things in musical entertainment and put a footprint across all digital entertaining music platforms. musicjehad.com is a leader in online music entertainment brand across social media networks where music fans can freely create and upload music and video playlists.
we are the best place to meet new people who share your taste in music. discover new bands, find concert buddies, private message and chat with other music fans.
we are a social networking community for music fans and artists alike. a platform for people to listen to other peoples tracks, find fellow musicians for collaboration, and share their own music with the general public. artists can post their music for fans to rate and review with social comments.
we also host a paid blog submissions feature where all members are free to post all that is music!
thanks for being on board! happy music!
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Games Audio and Music
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MusicSense is a personalized music streaming app with deep user understanding which brings you the best music from radio stations. It can skip tracks (unlimited), you can listen offline, you can like/dislike tracks/artists.
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