My Commander
My Commander (MyCO) is "the small - smarter - fastest file manager in the world", archiver and ISO creator for Windows 7. Small and smart, MyCO uses less of your computer's memory while it's running.
muCommander is a lightweight, cross-platform file manager with a dual-pane interface. It runs on any operating system with Java support (Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, *BSD, Solaris...).
muCommander is a crossplatform file manager that will run on any operating system which supports Java. It features a Norton Commander style interface to allow easy manipulation of files with many keyboard shortcuts. Precompiled builds are available for Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, Solaris, *BSD, etc.
Portable Dual pane support SSH
Productivity Developer Tools Networking and Admin File Management
portable file-management dual-pane ssh ssh-client ssh-transfer-client