Ubuntu Server
The leading platform for scale-out computing, Ubuntu Server helps you make the most of your infrastructure. Whether you want to deploy an OpenStack cloud, a Hadoop...
mozillux is a linux distribution based on the popular ubuntu and debian gnu/linux operating...
mozillux is a linux distribution based on the popular ubuntu and debian gnu/linux operating systems. the main goal is to promote mozilla softwares embedded in a full desktop software suite ready to use for beginners and intermediate users.
mozillux is derived from ubuntu 12.04 lts with lxde desktop, and as such will benefit from excellent repositories, strong softwares and large hardware recognition.
all software and multimedia runs fine out of the box. along with mozilla main applications, you will find office, graphic and music tools, games, and everything needed to share files securely wether you are at home or travelling.
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Utilities
Discontinued linux-operating-systems operating-system ubuntu-based mozilla lxde
The leading platform for scale-out computing, Ubuntu Server helps you make the most of your infrastructure. Whether you want to deploy an OpenStack cloud, a Hadoop...
Free Open Source Linux
Korora is an installable Fedora Remix Live USB image which aims to provide a complete out of the box experience for new users, including support for multimedia.
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Ubuntu Cloud is an open source Linux operating system designed to be used as a personal cloud server. It is based on the well known Ubuntu Linux distribution and...
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ubuntu budgie (previously budgie-remix) is an ubuntu-based distribution featuring the budgie desktop, originally developed by the solus project.
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CrunchBang++ is an open source and completely free [of cost (#!++ does include several of Debian’s non-free packages as well as the non-free repository)] computer...
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BunsenLabs Linux is a distribution offering a light-weight and easily customizable Openbox desktop. The current release is Hydrogen, built on top of Debian Jessie. The...
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UberStudent is a free, full-featured, user-friendly Linux operating system for learning, doing, and teaching the essential skills of academic success at the higher education and advanced secondary levels.
Free Open Source Linux