Google Plus
The Google+ project aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life.
Our philosophy is that your data are yours and you must always be in control. Movim achieves this through a complete decentralisation of users' data and accounts.
our philosophy is that your data are yours and you must always be in control. movim achieves this through a complete decentralisation of users' data and accounts.
register wherever you want! movim keeps you in touch with your family and friends, even if they are on a different server. your data follow you on any movim node you use.
why not gear up? you can easily install a movim node on your own server, and be free!
movim relies on the enterpriseclass xmpp protocol. with movim, you will never be locked in by a single vendor, your gmail® and facebook® contacts will be available, and even wlm®, yahoo® and many others.
the movim platform integrates everything you need to connect to your favourite xmpp server and communicate freely.
we are proud to use jaxl, the powerful xmpp library for php.
movim employs only free and opensource software respectful of the internet's fundamental philosophy (neutrality, privacy and freedom).
movim is free software and licensed under agplv3 with the exception of a component under lgplv3 and the gnu fdl for the documentation.
movim and its community are dedicated to promote the ethics and ideals of the free software.
you can get the sourcecode here: http://codingteam.net/project/movim
Productivity Developer Tools Social Networking and Admin
social-network xmpp social-applications social-net