Letterboxd is a social site for sharing your taste in film, now in public beta. Use it as a diary to record your opinion about films as you watch them, or just to keep track of films you’ve seen some time in the past.
Browse, discover and organize over 180,000 movies. Movieo aggregates movie data from various sources and presents it in a simple, compact and well designed format.
organize your movies.sign in and add any movie to your watchlist, seenlist, or blacklist. you can then decide if movies from a certain list will be visible or hidden while browsing.
narrow down your results.movieo offers a variety of filters — you can mix and match them as you please. for example, browse 80’s japanese animation with an imdb score greater than 7, or see what’s available on netflix.
search movies, people.search movies by title or find all movies someone appeared in, directed, or produced.
see imdb, rotten tomatoes and metacritic scores instantly.all three are a part of movieo’s filtering system. you can also sort your results by a mix of score and popularity from any of the above.
switch between viewing modes.you can browse movies using two completely different layouts. pick either grid or list layout mode in the upper right corner of the navigation.
import your existing lists.you can import your movies from imdb and soon many other services into your watchlist, seenlist or blacklist.
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