The Best 93 Letterboxd Alternatives
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Metacritic's proprietary Metascore distills the opinions of the most respected critics writing online and in print to a single number.
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Simkl TV Tracker
Simkl is a TV, anime, and movie tracker that keeps a history of all the shows and movies you watch in one, central location.
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Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes and the Tomatometer™ rating is the most trusted measurement of quality entertainment.
50 Like is a free and open movie database. It's completely user driven by people like you.
29 Like is an episode tracker with a social touch. Personal checklist, see what friends are watching, rate, comment, loved, pinned, personal dashboard and much more!
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An open TV series database that can be modified by anybody, and accessed vi an XML API. The database schema and website are open source under the GPL, and are available at Sourceforge.
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Filmsomniac is a tool to keep track of movies you have seen and to find new films to watch.
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MyEpisodes is your personal TV assistant with a lot of loved features including episodes checklist, RSS feeds, automatic state view, calendar, IRC bots and more. You'll love this website as you will travel through its features.
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Movie Collector
The Movie Collector DVD Catalog software instantly catalogs your DVD & Blu-Ray collection. Just enter movie titles or scan the barcodes and let Movie Collector download all details and cover images. Free trial download.
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Discover new movies, tv shows and video games based on what you like. Get a personalised calendar of your favorite shows. Get notified when your favorite shows and movies are released.
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( Note: you can choose the site language on User Panel ) -Track and rate your favourite TV-shows -Keep record of the episodes you've watched -Find something new to watch -Get stats — days you've spent watching TV -Post show...