Cloud FastPath
Cloud-orchestrated data movement service for migrating, syncing, and backing up digital content. Supports both on-premises and cloud systems.
Mover streamlines the process of transferring your data to, from, and within the cloud.
mover streamlines the process of transferring your data to, from, and within the cloud. you can use mover to change cloudstorage providers, back up your website or files, and automate and schedule these processes to make life that much easier.
mover lets developers get back to work and focus on their core product instead of juggling dozens of thirdparty services and apis.
use mover to transfer files in or out of any cloud storage provider.
transfer between services such as:
box dropbox copy egnyte sharepoint google drive amazon s3 (s)ftp webdav
never ship another hard drive, or write another line of code when it comes to managing your cloud storage files.
Official Website
File sync Works Offline Cloud sync Dropbox integration Sugarsync integration
Productivity Security Backup and Sync File Management
file-synchronization offline-access online-backup cloud-sync file-management dropbox-integration file-transfer cloud-management sharepoint migration cloud-transfer migrate-data sugarsync-integration