The Best 45 Motiontracker Alternatives

  • Clickmap

    How successful is your web communication? With clickmap you own the tool that visualises the success of your website! The content and the concept of every website are...

    Commercial Web

  • Tamboo

    Visitor recordings and heatmaps that help marketers, startups, and online businesses better understand and improve their website visitor experience.

    Commercial Web

  • ConversionRuler

    ConversionRuler is a subscription based "performance tracking" reporting service that provides detailed information on the effectiveness of your site marketing...

    Freemium Web

  • Form Optimizer

    Visitor Analytics introduces Form Optimizer, A Visitor Behavioral Monitoring tool & Free alternate to Clicktale Form Analytics. Features General Real...

    Freemium Web

  • Xiti

    Xiti Free (free version of Xiti Analyzer) offers the basic indicators you need to give you a global view of your site's traffic. Already used by over 350,000 sites...

    Freemium Web