Serva 32/64
Serva is an Automated PXE Server Solution Accelerator based on an all-in-one portable multi-server engine including BINL(RIS/WDS), HTTP, FTP, TFTP, DHCP, proxyDHCP, DNS, SNTP and SYSLOG protocols.
Mongoose is easy to use web server. It also can be used as embedded web server library to provide web interface to applications.
mongoose is easy to use web server. it also can be used as embedded web server library to provide web interface to applications.
technical specs:
* cross platform:linux/unix, macos, qnx, ecos, windows, android, iphone, freertos (ti cc3200, esp8266)
* builtin protocols:plain tcp, plain udp, ssl/tls (over tcp, oneway or twoway), http client / http server, websocket client / websocket server, mqtt client / mqtt broker, coap client / coap server, dns client / dns server, async dns resolver
* tiny static and runtime footprint
* source code is both iso c and iso c++ compliant
* singlethreaded, asynchronous, nonblocking core with simple eventbased api
* native support for picotcp embedded tcp/ip stack, lwip embedded tcp/ip stack
Official Website
Productivity Developer Tools Networking and Admin System and Hardware
portable php ssl web-server php-development cgi http-daemon http-server