Online diagram and flowchart software that supports Microsoft Visio import and can work on any operating system.
Mindomo is the easiest online software for creating mind maps, concept maps, outlines and various other types of diagrams.
mindomo is the easiest online software for creating mind maps, concept maps, outlines and various other types of diagrams. the following features make it the perfect choice both for business and education:* realtime collaboration* you can work on maps even if your internet connection is down, and your changes will be automatically synchronized when the connection is restored* playback mode that shows you how a map was built* maps can be turned into presentations or realtime editable outlines* google apps and various lti integrations (canvas, moodle, blackboard, desire2learn, itslearning)* great variety of exports (pdf, rtf, ppt, txt, opml, mpx, html, zip, png, xls, mom, mm, mmap)* google drive, dropbox, ftp and zip backups
Official Website
Cloud sync Google Drive integration Real time collaboration Group chat Hierarchical structure Export to PDF Built in Note Taker Custom templates Backup to Google Drive Icon sets Password encryption Sorting by folder Youtube integration
Productivity Social Business and Commerce
cloud-sync google-drive-integration presentation online-collaboration real-time-collaboration group-chat project-management task-management hierarchical-structure save-as-pdf built-in-note-taker tasks mind-mapping brainstorming planning custom-templates presentation-maker outliner backup-to-google-drive blackboard canvas concept-mapping custom-position-arrows icon-sets lms-integration moodle office365-integration organigram password-encryption sorting-by-folder task-mind-map visual-thinking youtube-integration