The Best 66 Microsoft Small Basic Alternatives

  • WinDbg

    WinDbg is a multipurposed debugger for Microsoft Windows, distributed on the web by Microsoft as part of the Debugging Tools for Windows. It can be used to debug user...

    Free Windows

  • Hollywood

    The cross-platform Multimedia Application Layer. Easy programming language which generated programs and presentations for Windows , Amiga , Mac and Android.

    Commercial Windows AmigaOS MorphOS

  • Xara Web Designer

    Xara Web Designer is a WYISWYG web design tool for the Windows platform that enables you to quickly and easily design your own web pages and websites. You can start from...

    Commercial Windows

  • Pao

    It's still in development and not up to production use but it's quite unique in features. Basically, all the language constructs, such as assemblies, types...

    Free Windows

  • ZAM 3D

    ZAM 3D XAML 3D WPF 3ds to XAML and dxf to XAML converter GUI Windows Vista, WinF tool for Microsoft Expression Interactive Designer

    Commercial Windows

  • txt2html

    txt2html is a Perl program that converts plain text to HTML. It uses the HTML::TextToHTML Perl module to do so.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux