Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE) is an antivirus software product that provides real-time protection against different types of malicious software such as viruses, spyware, rootkits and Trojan horses.
microsoft security essentials (mse) is an antivirus software product that provides realtime protection against different types of malicious software such as viruses, spyware, rootkits and trojan horses.
microsoft security essentials is a free download from microsoft (space demand: only 17.63 mb.) that is simple to install, easy to use, and always kept up to date so you can be assured your pc is protected by the latest technology.
it’s easy to tell if your pc is secure — when you’re green, you’re good. it’s that security essentials runs quietly and efficiently in the background so that you are free to use your windowsbased pc the way you want—without interruptions or long computer wait times.
Links to official Microsoft Security Essentials sites
Avast! Pro Antivirus - better protection during web surfing. Full-featured antivirus software. Better than our free antivirus, especially for web surfing, but without the firewall and antispam included in avast! Internet Security.
F-Secure Anti-Virus provides advanced protection against viruses, spyware intrusions and infected e-mail so you can surf the Web without worrying about security issues. Its automatic updates and powerful DeepGuard 2.
Scan and remove viruses fast - Removes viruses others miss. Prevent Viruses before they infect your PC - Online updates mean no more worries. Free Upgrades & Online Customer Support - Stay protected all year.
Winpooch is a watchdog for Windows (2000, XP, 2003, but only 32-bits). It detects modifications in your system, so as to detect a trojan or a spyware installation. It also includes a real-time anti-virus.
McAfee Antivirus Plus protects your computer against viruses, malware, spyware, and other online threats. McAfee anti virus software includes virus scan, spyware removal, and firewall protection.
With powerful automated real-time protection and frequent updates, Ashampoo Anti-Virus 2014 offers reliable protection against all common Internet security threats, known and unknown.
Trend Micro AntiVirus is the essential security you need so you can email and share files with confidence. You can rest easy knowing you have ongoing, easy-to-use...
Anti-Virus solution for protection against viruses, spyware and phishing attacks:24.95 USD; Features: Protects all communication channels (e-mail (POP3 /IMAP), instant...
Network Security Task Manager detects malware that traditional signature-based security solutions do not recognise. In this way, Network Security Task Manager helps to detect industrial espionage, sabotage and security-critical software.
Discover Preventon’s award-winning free antivirus software, which removes and protects you against the latest strains of viruses, malware, worms, Trojans and more. With...
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