Visual Studio Code
Code combines the streamlined UI of a modern editor with rich code assistance and navigation, and an integrated debugging experience – without the need for a full IDE.
MetroTextual is a Windows text editor inspired by Microsoft’s Metro Design Language. It’s designed to be a visually appealing replacement for Notepad; with significant...
metrotextual is a windows text editor inspired by microsoft’s metro design language. it’s designed to be a visually appealing replacement for notepad; with significant improvements to performance and aesthetics. hotshot programmers will also enjoy metrotextual’s syntax highlighting; which is powered by scintilla.
metrotextual is minimalist and lightning fast. it’s not featurepacked; but does have some awesome hidden powers. you can see metrotextual’s full list of features on this dedicated page.syntax highlighting with file extension detectionlighting fast; thanks to unique multithreading technology.compatible with all character encodings supported by windowsbeautiful and simple metro ui style user interface.
Official Website
notepad text-editor syntax-highlighting development css html-editor code-editor html programming notepad-replacement metro-ui