360 Web Browser
360 Browser is the most intelligent, customizable, advanced and user-adaptive browser ever made for the iPhone platform.
Mercury Browser is a FULLSCREEN web browser with TABS for iOS and Android. The clean UI and rich features make it the best replacement for Safari.
mercury browser is a fullscreen web browser with tabs for ios and android. the clean ui and rich features make it the best replacement for safari.
themestabsdownload managerfullscreen browsingfile sharingad blockidentify browser as ie, firefox and safarimultitouch gesture supportfile manager and viewerautofillinpage searchbookmarkssave page with imagessearch engines includedprivate browsingdashboardshare links by email, facebook or twitterstartup options (ipad only)scroll barperformance optionsscreen dimmervideo out (ipad only)customizable toolbar (iphone only)increase/decrease font sizerotation lockbasic, digest authenticationdetect telephone, sms linksurl suggestion base on hitsaccept thirdparty ssl certificates
Tabbed browsing Facebook integration Twitter integration Fullscreen support MultiTouch Built in Ad blocker Support for gestures
Productivity Utilities Web Browsers
tabbed-browsing web-browser mobile-browser Discontinued share-links facebook-integration twitter-integration fullscreen-support private-browsing multi-touch built-in-ad-blocker gesture-support