DEVONthink is a solution to the digital age conundrum. It is your second brain, the one and only database for all your digital files, be they PDFs, emails, Word docs or even multimedia files.
MemoPad is software that comes with your Blackberry: it allows you to make notes, but not edit files. The MemoPad is a great tool for carrying letters, or...
memopad is software that comes with your blackberry: it allows you to make notes, but not edit files.
the memopad is a great tool for carrying letters, or information that you may want to cut and paste into emails.
copy articles from the internet into a new note in outlook and know that when you have an opportunity you can read it from memo pad on your handheld.
learn that it is also a great place for lists, fact sheets about people or events and keeping track of your usernames and passwords, writing notes during a meeting and even for references for a speech.
Productivity Education and Reference
note-taking notepad
DEVONthink is a solution to the digital age conundrum. It is your second brain, the one and only database for all your digital files, be they PDFs, emails, Word docs or even multimedia files.
Commercial Mac OS X
KeyNote NF is a flexible, multi-featured tabbed notebook, based on Windows standard RichEdit control. It's always accessible with a single keypress, even if you work in another application.
Free Open Source Windows
MyLifeOrganized (MLO) is a personal task outliner and to-do list manager which will help you to organize your goals, projects and tasks into a tree. The To-Do list with actions that require immediate attention will be generated.
Freemium Windows Android iPhone Android Tablet iPad Apple Watch
Notational Velocity is a mouseless application for storing and retrieving notes. With Notational Velocity, searching for notes is not a separate action; rather, it is the primary interface.
Free Open Source Mac OS X
AllMyNotes Organizer is a multi-functional hierarchical information manager for Windows.
Freemium Windows
Online Notebook application: Zoho Notebook lets you combine text, images, audio, video, RSS feeds, documents and much more.
Free Personal Mac OS X Android iPhone Web Apple Watch
OmniOutliner is a start-to-finish writing app. Perfect for collecting information, outlining Big Ideas, adding structure to any sort of writing, and much more. From grocery lists to email drafts to long-form composition.
Commercial Mac OS X iPhone iPad
UV Outliner is a small and powerful single-pane outliner. It is intended for creating, organizing, and collecting information.
Free Windows