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SOLVESPACE is a parametric 3D CAD program with extrude, revolve, union and difference functions. Save/Export as DXF, PDF, SVG, STL, STEP. Mesh generation expected by...
MegaCAD 3D is the ideal synthesis of an innovative solid and surface modeling system and a full-feature 2D drafting program. If you are developing your model in 3D or if...
megacad 3d is the ideal synthesis of an innovative solid and surface modeling system and a fullfeature 2d drafting program. if you are developing your model in 3d or if you are drawing a 2d design, each step will automatically be transferred from one dimension into the other one.
in megacad 3d, the user has a powerful solid modeling system. in addition, any designs can be wholly or partly implemented in the surface modeler. because they share a common data structure, the two forms of model can be combined. this makes it possible, for example, to trim a solid object with a complex freeform surface, to give the solid a new shape. conversely, the surface of a solid body can be isolated as a separate surface.
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drawing 3d-modeling cad 2d-drafting cad-environment computer-aided-design surface-modeler