Directory Lister Pro
Create and print listings of files from selected directories on hard disks, dvd-roms, usb storages and network shares in HTML, text, CSV or database format. Print EXE...
MediaInfo is a convenient unified display of the most relevant technical and tag data for video and audio files.
[the standard installer is bundled with adware, but the portable version is clean and adware free: ]
mediainfo supplies technical and tag information about a video or audio file. supports many audio and video formats, with different methods of viewing information.
mediainfo features include:read many video and audio file formatsview information in different formats (text, sheet, tree, html...)customise these viewing formatsexport information as text, csv, html...graphical user interface, command line interface, or library (.dll/.so/.dylib) versions availableintegrate with the shell (drag 'n' drop, and context menu)internationalisation: display any language on any operating systemlocalisation capability
Official Website
Portable Windows Explorer integration Shell integration
portable Bundleware explorer-integration shell-integration adware codec audio-informations video-informations