myCollections is the perfect tool to catalog Applications, Books, Games, Music, Movies, TV show or Adult contents, into the same and unique tool. .
Media Companion is the original free to use Movie/TV Show manager and organizer that offers full XBMC integration.
the information collected includes such things as posters, backdrops, plot summary,actors and actor images, ratings etc, and are placed with your video files for easy addition to your library.
media companion currently supports movies and tv shows.movie features include.
* xbmc movies link changes in mc update xbmc. tv support will follow later* scrape bluray folder structure.* scrape movie information from imdb using the inbuilt scraper* scrape movie information from tmdb using xbmc scraper.* download movie posters from any of imdb, tmdb, impa, and mpdb.* download movie backdrops from tmdb.* download artwork from fanart.tv* download movie trailers from imdb & yahoo!* view and edit all obtained data.* saving of media tags in nfo.* include 'extrathumbs' & ‘extrafanart’ (for skins that support this function, movies need to be in individual folders)* autorename using custom or set parameters* autorename movie's folder using custom or set parameters* search and browse movies using a selection of filters and searches.* export to html movie details & artwork, with customizable templates.
Duplicate Files Finder Tv shows
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