Katana Nano
Ad, Pop-up, and Paywall busting news reader for Mac, Windows and Linux. Katana is designed to make it easier than ever before to stay up to date with what is happening...
manyjars is a minimal, opinionated reader for rss and atom.
manyjars is a minimal, opinionated reader for rss and atom.
minimal and opinionated?
it's just about reading feeds, nothing else clean, simple interface free of ads and clutter respect for privacy: nothing is shared between users no sharing or social media tieins no frills or personalization features just one way to read feeds
feature list
subscribe to feeds: most rss and atom variants supported import and export subscriptions from google reader or via opml see your feeds and unread items counts at a glance unread feeds/items automatically refresh when you are actively using the page organize feeds in folders "star" items to track your favorites (click the ?) mark items to "keep" unread in your reading list (click the ?). these items will stick around until you uncheck them mark all items as read to clear them from your reading list keyboard shortcuts for quick navigation (hit '?' on the feed page for help) delete your account and all personal data at any time all pages served over https for security and privacy mobilefriendly pages: tested on iphone browser support: tested on chrome, firefox, and safari pubsubhubub support (faster, more efficient feed updates)
Import from Google Reader Import feeds from OPML
Productivity Social Books News
google-reader-import opml-import rss rss-feed-reader news-aggregator news-reader atom feed-reader
Ad, Pop-up, and Paywall busting news reader for Mac, Windows and Linux. Katana is designed to make it easier than ever before to stay up to date with what is happening...
Commercial Mac OS X Windows Linux
BerryVine RSS Reader is an extremely useful application for easy RSS reading. Stay up to date with all your favorite RSS feeds and read about news, sports, science...
Commercial Blackberry
Weave is a news reader that lets you follow any website or blog you are interested in at any time. We provide a huge set of built-in news sources grouped by categories...
Freemium Windows Phone
as google reader is dying, i needed a tool to retrieve all my starred and shared items.
Displays a sidebar that lets you manage your RSS feeds in a folder tree view in Firefox 57+. A "Legacy" theme is available to have look close to...
Free Open Source Web Firefox
Omea Reader is a free and easy to use RSS reader, NNTP news reader, and web bookmark manager. It's fast, it aggregates, and it keeps you organized. Check out the...
Free Windows
Zen is a beautiful news/feed reader app for Windows Phone 7 that makes it super easy to subscribe and read your favorite blogs / news feeds. Zen also supports offline...
Commercial Windows Phone