Dialog Messenger
Dialog Messenger is a customized self-hosted platform usable across multi operation systems simultaneously. dialog provides SDK tools for client interface as well as for server.
Welcome to the connective tissue of the workplace, the command center for your productivity, and the beating heart of your organization.
email is slow, archaic, painful. with mainframe you can have realtime communication built for the mobile era.
focus first on what matters most: no longer is the body of a message just raw text. with mainframe you can add context. should a sentence require someone’s attention? should an action be completed by someone? communicate with clarity.
presence & activity: who’s online, away and offline. see who’s typing and interacting. your expectations on response become clear.
channels: no need to fill the inbox with new threads. if you’re talking to the same people, use a channel.
manage your to do list directly inside the inbox: have a clear view and succinct list of what you need to do. mainframe allows you to quickly manage the request that have been sent to you. with mainframe you’re always in control of what needs to be done.
faster scheduling inside the inbox: how often are we bouncing emails back and forth trying to coordinate a time for a phone call or meeting. within mainframe, you can share available times and confirm meetings with just one exchange.
compose with intent, purpose & context: with additional structure, we're able to split your inbox so you can focus on only conversations that are most important the ones that need your action. mainframe makes it easier to manage your inbox.
compatible with email you can truly communicate with anyone: no more you need to resort back to legacy email to reach out to people who aren’t on your communication tool. from mainframe you can contact any of the 4bn email users worldwide. just need to know their email address.
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messaging email-client communications community-business