My Recipe Book
My Recipe Book is ONE place to store and organize the recipes you find and tear out of magazines, bookmark online, store on faded recipe cards – in a format that can be carried & used directly in the kitchen.
MacGourmet is a recipe management application that allows users to create, edit, and scale new recipes or import recipes from their favorite websites, then share them via email, Facebook, and Twitter.
you organize your digital photos, you make playlists of your mp3s. now bring your recipe collection into the 21st century too with macgourmet. it's like itunes for your recipes!
macgourmet is a recipe management application that allows users to create, edit, and scale new recipes or import recipes from their favorite websites, then share them via email, facebook, and twitter. for more core functions, try macgourmet deluxe.
chef’s view for distractionfree cooking add images to your recipes and to the steps, as well as to your beer, wine, and cheese notes use the ingredient search or let macgourmet suggest a recipe for you.
Official Website
grocery-list recipes recipe-organizer recipe-management