Exsoul Web Browser
Exsoul Web Browser makes your browsing faster and richer and has usability which ensures the comfortable Internet use. Features: - Go back or forward across several histories at once. - Search contents on several search engines.
Lunascape is a new web browser that handles all three major web rendering engines — Mozilla Firefox’s Gecko, Internet Explorer’s Trident, and WebKit (which is used by Google Chrome and Safari.
lunascape is a multiengine web browser that handles all three major web rendering engines — mozilla firefox ’s gecko, internet explorer ’s trident and webkit (which is used by google chrome and safari).the browser is mainly appealing to geeks and web developers. it comes with an abundance of features: native support for rss and podcast feeds, tab crash protection, support of mouse gestures for easier navigation, a library of lunascapeexclusive plugins and skins, a form auto saver and a huge number of tweaks and setting in the default menus.
Official Website
Tabbed browsing Built in RSS reader Multi Engine
Productivity Utilities Education and Reference Security Video Audio and Music Web Browsers
tabbed-browsing web-browser built-in-rss-reader trident podcasting multi-engine webkit gecko