Memo Crush
Memo Crush is a game designed for those who want to improve their concentration and increase your visual memory and short term. The dynamics of the game is simple, a...
Lumosity.com grounds all of its brain exercises in extensive research; Scientific Advisory Board includes researchers from such institutions as UCSF and Stanford.
lumosity.com grounds all of its brain exercises in extensive research; scientific advisory board includes researchers from such institutions as ucsf and stanford.
using constantly adapting challenges, lumocity exercises strategically target brain areas such as memory, attention and processing speed.
exercises are grouped by your training goals and (if any) medical conditions (adhd, mtbi, cancer recovery, ptsd).
lumosity is developed by lumos labs, a cognitive neuroscience research and development company.
Official Website
Productivity Games Education and Reference Sport and Health Home and Family
study educational-game adhd brain-games brain-training concentration memory-monitoring ptsd tbi