Glip is instant messaging for teams and businesses to communicate and get work done at the same time. In Glip you work where your conversations are, so you always know what your team is doing and what needs to get done next.
Create, share and publish all your lists in one place. Browse other people's public lists for ideas, and copy the ones you like. We're not out to replace todo...
create, share and publish all your lists in one place. browse other people's public lists for ideas, and copy the ones you like.
we're not out to replace todo or reminders apps, even though we have that functionality.
our main competition as spreadsheets. we provide a simpler and more emotionally engaging tool for users to create lists/tables they care about, such as planning a wedding or a holiday; shopping for a new baby; showing off their wine/book/record collection.
the things you love, all organized in lists.
Official Website
Productivity Business and Commerce
todo-manager productivity-app productivity-tool lists table
Glip is instant messaging for teams and businesses to communicate and get work done at the same time. In Glip you work where your conversations are, so you always know what your team is doing and what needs to get done next.
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