Capture 365 Journal
A beautiful and easy to use diary/journal allowing to capture your thoughts and special moments throughout the day.
Life Journal is a beautiful, secure and full featured journal / diary app (and it is compatible with Day One). Learn more at http://bit.ly/GetLJ .
life journal is a beautiful and easy to use journal / diary application. it can also be used as a windows client for day one (using dropbox sync for day one classic and the day one v2 data import tool for day one v2).
our customers love life journal for its beautiful user interface and amazing features. some of the key features are: alwayson data encryption for maximum privacy password protection to secure your journal tag management (to help categorize entries) attach an image to an entry capture location data and weather for entries image viewer (with exif information) location viewer (map view) use packaged writing templates such as five minute journal create/edit your own templates periodic reminders to help you write regularly powerful search capabilities (search for entries with images, starred entries, entries on a date, free text search, etc.) highly configurable settings to make it your own share your writing via twitter or email (at your discretion) eight beautiful themes (both light and dark) high resolution aware (looks amazing on high resolution screens) bidirectional sync with day one classic import data from day one v2. sync with dropbox and a whole lot more!
Periodic reminders Sync with Dropbox AES encryption Protected by Password Custom templates Location Mapping Text to Speech Configurable
Productivity Travel and Location
periodic-reminders tags dropbox-sync aes-encryption diary password-protected file-encryption custom-templates encrypted images journal password-protection location-mapping text-to-speech templates configurable private-diary private-journal day-one weather-forecast share-on-twitter exif location-aware tag-management-system location-viewer