Fast and easy file sharing, drop a file into the website and get a shareable link right away.
Ridiculously easy file-sharing. Only 3 steps: 1.Visit Crate. Visit Crate and sign on. You'll be presented with a list of crates. A crate holds one or more files. Select one of the crates. 2.Upload your files.
ridiculously easy filesharing.
only 3 steps:
1.visit crate.
visit crate and sign on. you'll be presented with a list of crates. a crate holds one or more files. select one of the crates.
2.upload your files.
draganddrop all of the files you want to your heart's content. they'll be stored on the cloud, accessible from anywhere.
3.share the link!
now you can share away, either a whole crate or an individual file, your choice. we provide a short url for easeofuse.
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file-sharing file-upload file-storage drag-and-drop url-shortening