Redaxscript is a modern, ultra lightweight and rocket fast Content Management System for SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL.
LavaLite is an open source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and Laravel web application framework. It currently supports MySQL, SQLite, MariaDB and...
lavalite is an open source content management system (cms) based on php and laravel web application framework. it currently supports mysql, sqlite, mariadb and postgresql for the database backend.
lavalite can be utilized to develop robust web application and cms website. lavalite's framework litepie is continually under development and now it has features like user management, workflow, file, authorization, authentication and more. it is not like a conventional cms, lavalite provides features like calendar, task, message etc, as basic functionalities. like other cms like wordpress lavalite is built with packages and themes which can be customized.
Official Website
customizable cms web-application-development php-based laravel-based