Password Live
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
c99 command line interface to lastpass .
c99 command line interface to lastpass .
dependencies libressl or openssl libcurl libxml2 pinentry (optional) asciidoc (buildtime documentation generation only) xclip, xsel, or pbcopy for clipboard support (optional)
Productivity Web Browsers Backup and Sync
password-management command-line-interface
Password Live is a generator of complex and secure passwords that you never need to remember!
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Windows Phone
Everyone uses passwords. But not the way they should. Make yours unbreakable and protect your accounts from hackers.
Freemium Windows Chrome Firefox Opera Internet Explorer
myCodes offers the possibility to maintain sensitive data (such as secret numbers, credit card data, secret phone numbers, passwords etc.) in a convenient user interface...
Free Windows Mobile
1-abc.net Password Organizer allows you to organize all your passwords and login data, you only have to remember one master password.
Commercial Windows