Atmail Email Server
Atmail webmail system offers a webmail client, email server platform and mailserver appliance for Linux, Unix and Windows.
Kolab Groupware is a secure, scalable, reliable, flexible, full-featured collaboration suite.
kolab is entirely free and open source software (a.k.a. foss), and uses open standards. we’ll get to why this is important to us, and hope that it is important to you thereafter.
the kolab groupware community has been around for well over a decade, and is a vibrant mixture of people from all breeds of life – including technical, artistic, political, medical, legal, logistical, military and whathaveyou.
kolab groupware is the glue between the various pieces of software you would choose to doityourself (diy) your own mail server, and adds to that collaboration capabilities, mobile phone synchronization, native integration in to desktop operating system platforms such as mac os x, linux and windows – in a readytogo, integrated offering with a uniquely uniform look and feel.
this is built from the ground up with security, privacy and user control in mind, reusing the best of free software where already available. as such, kolab groupware is unique in that it is both secure and completely free software. our community motto is therefore to “do it right or not at all”.
Real time collaboration Support for WebDAV CalDAV CardDAV
real-time-collaboration imap groupware webdav caldav carddav activesync