HD Movie Center
The BEST movie site EVER. STREAM Movies in HD!!! ALL the movie & cast information you may need incl. verified & HD (1080p) Magnet links with Chromecast support (ext.
Kodi, formerly XBMC, is a free and open source media player and entertainment center for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, XBox, and iOS.
kodi, formerly xbmc, is a free and open source media player and entertainment center for linux, mac os x, windows, xbox, and ios. kodi is designed to be the perfect companion to a home theater pc it supports an almost endless range of remote controls, and combined with its beautiful (and highly "skinnable") interface, kodi feels very natural to use from the couch.
currently kodi can be used to play almost all popular audio and video formats around. it was designed for network playback, so you can stream your multimedia from anywhere in the house or directly from the internet using practically any protocol available.
Official Website
Extensible by Plugins/Extensions Free to play Jailbreak required Built in Media converter Video library Media Streaming Support AirPlay Automatic subtitles download Built in subtitle search DNLA Server Music Library
Productivity Games Video Audio and Music Burn and Rip
extensible free-to-play media-library jailbreak-required built-in-media-converter movies video-player video-library media-player media-center multimedia-streaming media-server music-player television airplay automatic-subtitles-download built-in-subtitle-search dnla-server movie-library music-library video-recorder