Flick Note
Full featured Simplenote syncing plain text notepad. A full featured Simplenote syncing notepad application. Keep your notes synced between your phone and your computer.
KeyNote NF is a flexible, multi-featured tabbed notebook, based on Windows standard RichEdit control. It's always accessible with a single keypress, even if you work in another application.
keynote nf is a flexible, multifeatured tabbed notebook, based on windows standard richedit control. it's always accessible with a single keypress, even if you work in another application.
the basic idea in keynote nf is that you can include many separate notes within a single file. this means that you do not need to open several files for most purposes it is enough to create only one file and hold all your notes inside it. with the addition of the treetype notes, you now have a threedimensional notebook: many notes within one file and a multilevel, nested pages within a single note. keynotes interface and behavior are extremely configurable.keynote is the only information manager that offers a combination of simple and treetype notes, rich text editor, ability to mix freely many notes of different types in a single file and secure encryption. this makes keynote the most flexible and one of the most powerful applications of this kind currently available. some functions, such as "virtual nodes", perfile configuration settings, multiple backups or wordweb integration are unique and, to my knowledge, not supported by any other notebook program, freeware or shareware.
Text formatting Multiple languages Tabbed interface Encrypted Notes Tree view
note-taking text-formatting multi-language tabbed-interface notebook text-editor encrypted-notes outliner tree-structure tree-view rich-text tree-notes
Full featured Simplenote syncing plain text notepad. A full featured Simplenote syncing notepad application. Keep your notes synced between your phone and your computer.
Freemium Android
MemoMaster is a free outliner software to create, administer and reference texts and calculations in the familiar tree structure. It enables intuitive searching...
Free Personal Windows
Record easily with most suitable method. With MixNote, take note will be faster and easier.
Free Android
Add digital stickers to your desktop and create reminders for your upcoming events, tasks or meetings using this intuitive software.
Freemium Windows
Have you ever needed to remember something real important but had no way to? Catzware introduces Simple Notes, a program which allows you to make up to five notes and...
Free Windows
Where everything tight integrated into a single user interface in DocOne and FileOne. No need to mess around with multiple windows and programs. huge amounts of Notes...
Private Notebook is an easy to use password protected note taking app. Create, edit, delete, or share notes using the app and protect them behind a strong password....
Free Android Android Tablet
Redefining the way programming notes are taken. Text editors are too one dimensional, Evernote/Onenote is too generic. Medley Text is a note taking tool designed to...
Free Personal Mac OS X Windows Linux
Delphinus Notes is a freeware program designed to keep and manage notes. It contains simple notepad, calendar (with week schedule) and expenditure management module. All...
Free Windows
Free online note-taking application designed specifically for law students. Allows you to create class notes and case briefs in the application and then automatically...
Free Web