SelfControl is a free and open-source application for Mac OS X that lets you block your own access to distracting websites, your mail servers, or anything else on the Internet.
KEEP FOCUS. Fewer Distractions. Better Focus. Unlimited Productivity! KEEP FOCUS... Quite simply the best way to eliminate distractions on your Android phone. Are you...
keep focus. fewer distractions. better focus. unlimited productivity!keep focus... quite simply the best way to eliminate distractions on your android phone. are you addicted to your droid? can you not stop opening & refreshing your fb app when you should be doing work? do you need to study but can't put down angry birds?no worries! keep focus will save you from your phone!and, oh yeah... it's free. fewer distractions. better focus. unlimited productivity!keep focus can block apps, websites, data connections, calls to & from contacts who waste your time, and much more. this is an experimental app so features will be added at our users request. it's like a adhd helper for android phones!with keep focus you can...? block time wasting apps such as tmz, facebook, angry birds.? block websites that you can't stop wasting time on. (default browser only)? block calls to and from selected contacts so they don't bug you when you are trying to get work done.? block wifi, bt, & 3g/data (depends on carrier) so you won't even be tempted to get sidetracked by surfing.? set notifications such as vibrate, alarm, and pop up when you try to access a blocked feature. ? have keep focus open a productivity app of your choice (ie: todo list) when you try to access a blocked app.? require a challenge phrase to be entered to change the settings of the block when it is active? set a "grace period" where you are allowed to access blocked content for 5 minutes or so during the block duration.? set blocks by days of the week or choose to block for a set timed period.
Discontinued block-websites focus self-control leechblock