Skyscanner.com compares over 1000 airlines to find you the cheapest airfares, fast. We also compare and find the cheapest hotels and car rental for your next trip.
Kayak.com, sometimes styled as KAYAK, is a fare aggregator and travel metasearch engine operated by the The Priceline Group.
kayak enables you to easily compare hundreds of travel sites at once, in one comprehensive, fast and intuitive display. if you want to spend hours searching every airline, hotel and other travel site yourself, that’s one option. if you’d prefer an easier way to find a good deal, we can help.
once you find what you want, we gives you choices on where to book (most travel sites do not), including airline, hotel, car rental and online travel agency sites. we’ll send you right to the booking page to finish your purchase there. you can also book your hotel right on kayak with our fast, easy and secure booking process.
we also offer travel management tools including an itinerary management tool, flight status updates and price alerts.
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Productivity Business and Commerce Travel and Location
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