SE-RssTools is a set of programs for RSS reading and writing which allows to view or create and edit RSS, ATOM, RDF, iTunes Podcast or XML feeds without knowledge of RSS...
justreader is fast, customizable and easy-to-use rss reader client for android. there are two versions: free and pro. it supports some services for now: - feedly - http://alternativein .
justreader is fast, customizable and easytouse rss reader client for android. there are two versions: free and pro.
it supports some services for now: feedly bazqux reader
justreader works good on tablets on on phones too! works offline light and nice ui podcasts loading
Multiple Account support Pocket integration Offline Reading
Productivity Social Audio and Music Books News
multiple-account-support rss-feed-reader share-on-facebook share-on-twitter share-news pocket-integration podcasting offline-reading