zzllrr RSS Reader
zzllrr RSS Reader, an offline RSS reader and feed aggregator that supports RSS, ATOM and OPML formats. No need to register.
justreader is fast, customizable and easy-to-use rss reader client for android. there are two versions: free and pro. it supports some services for now: - feedly - http://alternativein .
justreader is fast, customizable and easytouse rss reader client for android. there are two versions: free and pro.
it supports some services for now: feedly bazqux reader
justreader works good on tablets on on phones too! works offline light and nice ui podcasts loading
Multiple Account support Pocket integration Offline Reading
Productivity Social Audio and Music Books News
multiple-account-support rss-feed-reader share-on-facebook share-on-twitter share-news pocket-integration podcasting offline-reading
zzllrr RSS Reader, an offline RSS reader and feed aggregator that supports RSS, ATOM and OPML formats. No need to register.
Free Chrome OS Web
Sage is a lightweight RSS and Atom feed aggregator extension for Mozilla Firefox. It's got a lot of what you need and not much of what you don't. * Reads RSS (2.0, 1.0, 0.
Free Open Source Windows Firefox
BlogBridge is an open source Java-based feed aggregator. BlogBridge is aimed for those people who are subscribed to many feeds, including journalists, PR professionals and OPML enthusiasts.
Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux
Great RSS reader for many news online. All news will be fetch local and merge to be one. So, you can read in 1 list. You don't have to switch category to read every news. Just scroll the list. RSS will be auto delete after 2 days.
Freemium Android Blackberry
Fresh Reader is a web-based, server type RSS and Atom feed reader. You can download and install it into your server or PC, just extract the downloaded file to the folder where your web server can get access.
Free Personal Mac OS X Windows Linux
Read where you write! Bring your feed reader into the wordpress admin. You can blog directly from Orbital and publish to your WordPress site.
Free Self-Hosted Wordpress
Readuction is the intelligent, adaptive feed reader. It's free to try and you'll be up and reading in moments Smart Readuction learns what types of content you like so it can exclude things you don't.
Freemium Web