A completely free file sharing service, upload files up to 50GB without limits, securely & anonymously. Files are encrypted & stored securely in the cloud, for 30 days for free, and permanently for pro users. .
Streaming peer-to-peer file transfers from within the browser. No registration required. Please note that the links it creates are intended for a single recipient and will work once.
streaming peertopeer file transfers from within the browser. no registration required.
please note that the links it creates are intended for a single recipient and will work once. the download link is valid for 10 minutes, after which it expires and is invalidated, meaning the transfer cannot take place. everything is streamed from source to destination through our service, and no file contents are recorded on our servers.
Official Website
No registration required Peer To Peer
Productivity Security File Sharing
no-registration peer-to-peer file-transfer ftp-alternative p2p-sharing peer-to-peer-transfer-file sendoid