JumpSeller makes it very easy for anyone to start selling online. Just upload your catalog, set up your payments account and shipping costs and you are ready to go.
With 310,000+ downloads, J2Store is a powerful, flexible shopping cart and ecommerce solution for Joomla. Set up your store and start selling in less than 10 minutes....
j2store is a native joomla shopping cart and ecommerce extension. create your online store and sell online fast and easy. it extends articles as products and lets you to turn articles into full fledged products.
no overhead to the site. no clumsy registration process. just straight outofthebox. build a beautiful online store using just the joomla articles.
use articles as products, define zone based tax rules, create product variants, add advanced pricing by quantity / customer groups and do more. j2store makes it all possible
sell any type of products including digital goods with j2store.
key features
turn articles as products. j2store integrates with articles and adds ecommerce featureproduct types: simple, configurable, variable, downloadableunlimited productsproduct options / variantschained product options / dependant optionsunlimited parent / child relationships for product optionsadditional images with zoom effectproduct list layoutproduct filters / specificationscatalog moderelated products (upsells and crosssells)responsive / mobile friendly designsubtemplatesshort code to display add to cart anywhere in the article and in custom html moduleshort codes to display price, images, upsells and crosssellscustomer groups (default joomla user groups) based pricingspecial pricing based on quantity and date rangesmulticurrency support and currency switcher moduleguest checkoutbilling and shipping addressescountry/zones tablesgeozones for tax and shippinggeozone based, multiple tax rates and tax rulesstore pick up / free shipping / flat rate shipping methodsshipping per weight / price / quantityfrontend order history for customersallows customers to see their order history, downloads and manage their addresses in one placedetailed order management for store ownersexport orders as csvcustom invoice number formatorder statistics in dashboardmultilingual / translated in several languages
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