Castor EDC
Castor offers you a user-friendly and fully featured application for electronic data collection. It's developed by researchers for researchers and will definitely meet your needs.
Halfpenny Technologies is a leading provider of secure, scalable, cloud-based, vendor-neutral, clinical data exchange platforms.
now get 24/7 access to essential clinical reports and critical value alerts with halfpenny's itfgodoc smart phone lab results application. the itfgodoc system provides mobile lab results report access to the iphone, and a closed loop critical value logging and reporting system for clia and joint commission compliance.
itfgodoc leverages the extensive clinical information management capabilities of the halfpenny itf infrastructure. itfgodoc is an extension of the itfportal solution. itfgodoc facilitates secure transfer of clinical data to mobile devices via extensions to the itfsecureconnect architecture.
contact halfpenny technologies for more information on how to set up an interface with your hospital or reference lab.
halfpenny technologies inc. provides a cloud based, secure, scalable, vendorneutral clinical data exchange platform designed to optimize care coordination for:
clinical laboratories hospitals & idns health plans accountable care organizations (aco) health information exchanges (hie) diagnostic imaging & cardiology pathology pharmaceutical companies pharmacy clinics ehr vendors
halfpenny technologies has a proven track record of providing a reliable technology infrastructure, insightful analytics, rapid implementation, & professional loinc mapping services to give you more complete & actionable clinical data. win new clients & better compete in the hitech era; improve quality reporting & ratings; increase revenue; support populationbased initiatives; include cpoe & results delivery in their solutions & meet meaningful use certification requirements.
Productivity Education and Reference Sport and Health
edc electronic-data-capture electronic-medical-records emr health doctor-patient-communications health-information-system medical-records hospital-information-system his