The Best 10 ClinCapture Alternatives

  • Castor EDC

    Castor offers you a user-friendly and fully featured application for electronic data collection. It's developed by researchers for researchers and will definitely meet your needs.

    Freemium Mac OS X Windows Linux Android iPhone Android Tablet Chrome OS Windows Phone

  • OpenMRS

    OpenMRS is a community-developed, open source, enterprise electronic medical record system platform.

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Web

  • REDCap

    REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a secure web application for building and managing online surveys and databases.

    Free Mac OS X Windows Linux

  • ClinicMED

    Clinic MED, an open source application for Professional Clinic Management licensed under GPL EMR - Eletronic Medical Record

    Free Open Source Mac OS X Windows Linux Web

  • Med-Quest

    Cloud based Clinical EDC with a focus on speed, user interface and collection automation techniques.

    Commercial Mac OS X Linux Android iPhone Chrome OS Web

  • Openclinica

    OpenClinica is the world's leading open source clinical trial software for electronic data capture and clinical data management.

    Free Open Source Windows Linux

  • ITF-GoDoc

    Halfpenny Technologies is a leading provider of secure, scalable, cloud-based, vendor-neutral, clinical data exchange platforms.

    Free iPhone iPad

  • Clear Clinica

    Clear Clinica is an Electronic Data Capture system that enables you to have server-based data, 10x faster statistical reports, risk monitoring at a 30-40% reduced price.

    Commercial Web