ProcessWire is a friendly and powerful open source CMS and CMF with an exceptionally strong foundation.
Ionize is a free professional multilingual and user-friendly PHP Content Management System (CMS) based on CodeIgniter. Ionize it is a CMS multilingual, MVC plugin and...
ionize is a free professional multilingual and userfriendly php content management system (cms) based on codeigniter.ionize it is a cms multilingual, mvc plugin and admin full ajax.the template engine is based on xml syntax more faster than of smarty, twig or dwoo.it is easy for developpement module in mvc based on codeigniter. more faster and ergonomic of pyrocms. events manager like hook system of wordpress or drupal native cck impléments and extends fields. userrole manager and permission language translate static and dynamic module manager template manager admin and front native wysiwyg editor tinymce native media manager optimized for seo friendly and multilingualif you know codeigniter you know ionize.
Productivity Developer Tools Social Business and Commerce
content-management cms framework website-creator blogging php-development