Newton Mail
Newton is a fully featured mail client available for Android, iOS, macOS and Windows. Works for watch too. It's based on cloud so you can connect it to any account and get fast search, push notifications, read receipts (PREMIUM), etc .
The Intelliverse Email Tracker application lets you know WHEN your email was opened, WHERE it was opened, and on WHAT device. With these insights, you can more...
know when your email was opened, where it was opened and on what device. get the inside scoop on the followup.
the intelliverse email tracker application lets you know when your email was opened, where it was opened, and on what device. with these insights, you can more strategically plan when to follow up on your email. in fact, a recent study has proven that you are 10x more likely to get someone on the phone if you call just after they have opened and read an email from you.
Official Website
Email tracking Auto Follow up Mail
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