Links for later
links for later is a local, serverless, pocket -like firefox addon. allows one to right click on a page or link and save it to a...
Instapaper is a simple tool to save web pages for reading later. To save web pages for later offline reading: go to Instapaper.com, install the Read Later bookmark, and mark any pages you'd like to read later.
instapaper is a simple tool to save web pages for reading later. to save web pages for later offline reading: go to instapaper.com, install the read later bookmark, and mark any pages you'd like to read later.
it's great for long articles and blog posts that you find during the day and would like to read, but don't have the time when you find them. save them with instapaper, then read them when you're commuting, in a meeting, or waiting in line.
Official Website
Firefox extension IFTTT integration Google Chrome extension Save web page for offline use Offline Reading
Productivity Security Books News Web Browsers
firefox-extension ifttt-integration chrome-extension bookmarking read-later save-web-page offline-reading