Project DogWaffle
Project Dogwaffle lets you be creative without the fear of mom or wifey yelling at you because you messed up your clothes again. No sudden spills, no funny fumes. You...
- ImageForge Standard Freeware Edition: ImageForge provides you with a set of powerful tools for painting and editing images, photos or other graphics.Create and edit...
imageforge standard freeware edition:
imageforge provides you with a set of powerful tools for painting and editing images, photos or other graphics.create and edit images, acquire pictures from your scanner, digital camera or other twaincompliant device, apply special effect filters, produce your own photo albums and simple slide shows, and much more.
imageforge pro:
create your own illustrations, pictures, photo albums and image libraries, animations, and web art images. merge images, create 3d titles and shapes, remove redeye and other imperfections from photos, apply special effects filters, use custom brushes and natural media (watercolors, oil paint, etc.), produce your own animations (.gif, .avi, etc.), make your own web art, and much more.
imageforge gold:
convert images from one format to another, acquire images from scanners and digital cameras, create and manipulate image layers, merge images using different effect filters and transparency, create 3d titles and shapes, remove redeye and other imperfections from photos, apply special effects filters, use custom brushes and natural media (watercolors, oil paint, etc.), produce your own animations (.gif, .avi, etc.), make your own web art and screen savers, and much more. includes support for: mulitple image layers; floating tool palette and preview window; new selection tools; new shadow options; new gradients and transparency controls; and much more
Productivity Social Phots and Graphics
photo-editing graphics digital-painting images slideshow scanner editors transparent bitmap painter