QuickTime Player
Watch Internet video, HD movie trailers, and personal media clips. Whether it’s on the web or on your desktop, QuickTime Player brings your digital media brilliantly to life.
INA is born to be a modern macOS application, from its framework to user interface. It adopts the post-Yosemite design language and keeps up the pace of new technologies like Force Touch, Touch Bar and Picture-in-Picture.
ina is born to be a modern macos application, from its framework to user interface. it adopts the postyosemite design language and keeps up the pace of new technologies like force touch, touch bar and pictureinpicture.
revolutionary user experience.
iina simplified a lot of user interactions. in addition of traditional cascaded menus, it prefer using interactive ui components and gestures to give you intuitive, flexible and powerful control of the playback.
powerful functionality.
based on mpv, one of the most powerful media player projects ever, iina supports almost all common media types (even gif) and stably output highquality video that optimized for retina screen. mpv's config file and script system are also integrated.
Automatic conversion to multiple formats Lightweight Clean design Live Preview Clear interface Media Streaming Automatic subtitles download Support for subtitles
automatic-conversion lightweight clean-design live-preview video-player clear-interface multimedia-streaming automatic-subtitles-download subtitle-support